How to Balance Goals With Your Mental Health

Listen to Jamie’s Business Owner Mental Health Advice on Triple M Radio! Say, What? It’s like this—you’ve got goals you want to hit, but you’re in this crazy uncertainty of COVID, which can make it really hard to be sure about the plan you’d like to put in place. Goal attainment in a stable economy … Read more

7 Marketing Books That Will Boost Results in Uncertain Times


We are living in uncertain times. For many business owners it will be hard to focus on the future beyond next week, let alone any grand plans for the future. For many the future is just survival, and that is okay, but survival doesn’t mean sitting still and letting all the forces around us dictate … Read more

How Toilet Paper and Bread Flour Have Changed Employee Motivation

About a week ago, my teenaged daughter sauntered into the living room at 11 PM with a bowl, spoon and a coy look on her face. Given the unexpected smackdown the world was handed in the form of COVID-19, and our attempts to navigate a new normal, I decided to let the near-midnight bowl of … Read more

Crisis Management For Your Business – Video & Checklist

Crisis Management For Your Business

Maintaining Your Business through COVID-19 With the whole world wrapped in uncertainty, it can be hard to know exactly how to respond and to what degree. Coronavirus has shown us just how unprepared we us for this kind of pandemic. Although the outcomes and duration of the situation are unknown, there are some ‘basics’ you … Read more

What Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Measures Mean For Your Business

Canada covid-19 response

Published on: 18 March 2020, [Last Updated: 15 Jan 2021] Below are the links which detail the specific economic response measures introduced by the Government of Canada (listed below) to assist businesses with COVID-related business challenges. As it is the most popular support benefit, we have detailed the new Emergency Wage Subsidy below) Ontario Issues … Read more

Australian Government response to assist businesses in dealing with the Coronavirus

australia coronavirus response

News and updates  22 April 2020 Added: When can you direct an employee to take leave? Updates(taken directly from FairWork Omudsman) 9 April 2020 Added: JobKeeper changes to the Fair Work Act 8 April 2020 Added: Unpaid pandemic leave in awards 7 April 2020 Updated: Government information about coronavirus 6 April 2020 Updated: When can … Read more

How to Create a Marketing Plan That Works (Part 1)

The marketing blueprint is really about getting inside your customer’s mind to understand how they think. When you can understand how someone thinks, you can speak to them in a way that is going to make a connection. That’s what marketing is all about.
Too often companies make the mistake of marketing in a way that resonates with their own thinking—not the customer’s.
When we do that, we are essentially pushing information out and forcing it upon people. It’s more of a ‘list to me, listen to me’ approach.
To give you another way of thinking about it: It’s like having a conversation with someone who is engaged with what you are saying, versus one who is too busy thinking about what they’ll say next and miss everything you’re saying.
In these two scenarios, there is a difference in the point of focus. The goal of the Marketing Blueprint is to be a listener before you become a speaker.
Does this take some effort? You bet. Is it worth it? You bet.
Not only does answering the Marketing Blueprint questions help you to connect with your customer, but it also helps you get really clear on who your customer actually is (believe me, it’s not as many people as you think). It helps you to be clear on why they will buy from you and on the true value you bring.
Answering these questions not only makes marketing easier, but they will guide your overall business strategy as well. It’s powerful stuff.
Do yourself and your business a favour, watch the video then set aside half a day with your key people to discuss the questions posed. The half-day you invest will save you a lot more than that down the track.

Download the Marketing Blueprint