Using Trello to Create Checklists You’ll Actually Use

Systems, while not the answer to everything, can certainly be one of those things that brings a great sense of control to your business.The trick is creating them in such a way that:1. They work,2. People use them,3. You can keep them updated and relevant.And doing those three is not always easy.For us and many … Read more

Cloud Technology – What You Need To Consider Before Diving In

Cloud computing is all the rage … in case you didn’t know. It has the capacity to significantly increase your competitive advantage … if you know how. And therein lies the challenge.
Enter Clayton Oates.
Clayton has been consulting to SME’s about software for over 25yrs. So if you ask how long he’s been involved with cloud technologies, it’s fair to say he’s been there from the start. In this interview we dive into the reality of cloud technology today, what it can do for your business and what you should be wary of.
There are definitely some precautions to be taken. But not so many as to stay on the sidelines. Be bold and have a listen to the gems Clayton shares with us in this 30min chat.
Note: You can find Clayton at the following links: WebsiteTwitterLinkedIn
If you’d like to download the interview mp3, right click here and choose ‘Save Link As…’