How to make your business stand out to your ideal customers!

If you’ve read or studied marketing in any way, shape or form, odds are you’ve learned or been told that it is vital that your company has a point of difference. Otherwise you are left to compete on price … and that’s a tough way to be profitable.
I’m going to reinforce that same concept. I believe, before you spend any money or time on marketing, there are two things you need to know:

  1. Who is your ideal customer?
  2. Why are they going to choose you over the competition? i.e. what makes you different and better?

In order to gain some real world teachings, I reached out to lead generation and marketing guru Cheryl Cappellano from Idea Factor. Cheryl has 28 years of experience in opening doors and getting people’s attention. She’s done it amazingly for her own business and she does it consistently for her clients.
In this interview, Cheryl shares her story and her best tips that you can take and adapt to your own business. She shares examples and how to’s on how to stand out from the crowd. Thank you Cheryl.